Competent Person Service

ConsultSafe Ltd has put together a number of recurring competent person service packages, which enable businesses to comply with their duty to appoint a competent person. This service can be tailored to suit the needs of all types of organisations.  

Whatever the size of your company and regardless of the industry you are in, you will benefit from our competent person service.

Benefits of of Competent Person Service

  • You receive an initial review of the Health & Safety condition of your organisation. This audit will highlight any shortfalls in your safety management system and advise you of the steps to be taken to address them
  • You will be entitled to display or market ConsultSafe Ltd as acting professional advisors on your behalf
  • Telephone and e-mail support on Health and Safety will be available to you on a reasonable usage basis. (An additional rate will be applied to any request that cannot be resolved within a reasonable period at the time of enquiry)
  • A tailor made Health & Safety Policy, updated annually 
  • Generic Risk Assessments (provision subject to risk and complexity of organisation)
  • Bespoke Training days (at normal day rate)

Our Competent Person Service means you can keep your overheads down by not employing a full-­‐ time member of staff to deal solely with health and safety issues but have that reassurance of being able to ask for all the professional help and advice you need.

Most clients who choose competent person support agree support across a two year period.

Competent Person Service Conditions

Competent Person is not for the sake of it. It is intended as a pro-active approach toward improving your company’s safety culture year after year. Our name and offer of support is intended to give comfort to your management, employees and clients alike.

We reserve the right to terminate CP Arrangements where organisations have been found to abuse our good name, which we offer in all good faith, or who demonstrate a lack of care in their attention to Health and Safety

Contact us to enquire about our Competent Person Service