ISO Management Systems
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) establish and develop standards covering almost every industry. The aim is to deliver consistency all over the world.
Amongst their standards are frameworks for management. The Quality Management System standard ISO 9001, Health and Safety Management System ISO45001 and the Environmental Management System standard ISO14001 are now aligned and use a common framework.
ISO 45001 sets out the minimum requirements for occupational health and safety management best practice and maps out a framework that an organisation can follow to show the company management, employees and external stakeholders that OSH risks are being measure, monitored and improved.
ISO 45001
ISO 45001 is a well regarded stamp of approval that's well worth having, not least because it is a clear demonstration of your commitment to health and safety, which can in turn help you to win new business.
The development of the ISO 45001 standard now finally brings the critical area of occupational
health and safety management into the family of ISO standards. There has been a range of
occupational health and safety standards being
used across the world; the main one being OHSAS
18001, first developed and published in 1999. ISO 45001 uses ISO’s common framework for
management system standards, which contains
a unified high-level structure and common text
and terminology.. This structure and contents is
available from Annex SL
ConsultSafe Ltd can assess your health and safety management system against ISO 45001 requirements; then if we're satisfied that you comply we can work with you and your certification body to formally be issued with a Certificate of Compliance. Moreover, our unique added value service means that if you don't satisfy the criteria on your first attempt, we work with you to achieve compliance by telling you exactly where you're going wrong, and helping you put it right.
Contact us today if you would like to embed a management system or have an existing certification you would like to maintain.
Contact us to enquire about how ConsultSafe Ltd can help you develop a management system