
ConsultSafe Ltd offers bespoke services to help organisations manage and control their obligations.  We provide a wide range of bespoke safety services for organisations, whether you're looking for support on OSH Strategy Development, Board Guidance, Interim Directorship, Risk Management, Management Systems or bespoke services. We are also able to support exiting OSH teams, complete specific project work and undertake auditing for larger companies wanting that 3rd party independence.

OSH Strategic Development
Bespoke Consultancy
Risk Management
Health & Safety Review

Risk Assessment
Management Systems
Safety Audits and Inspections
Specialist Services
Competent Person

Our focus is to empower businesses to manage their own risk, and by helping you to change the way everyone within your organisation views risk and interacts with each other. 

We can help you to protect your reputation and be seen as an organisation where sustainability, safety and people really do matter.

We are available to undertake as much or as little as your organisation requires by looking at your actual needs and priorities. We work along side you to help you to make pragmatic risk-based decisions, and to help you to use the right consultants where additional specific support might be required in other technical areas (such as asbestos risk management or legionella control).

Our support will depend on your requirements and needs. 

Most clients who choose competent person support agree support across a two year period with equal monthly payments.