Safety Audits & Inspections

Struggling to find an audit solution to suit you? ConsultSafe Ltd can offer you a flexible and tailored safety audit to suit your organisation

Auditing is a useful tool for helping businesses to understand their current level of compliance in respect of safety and sustainability.  Therefore Consultsafe Ltd wants to take you on a journey of improvement that followings the tried and tested management system approach of ‘plan, do, check, act’ which is fundamental to HSG65 and ISO systems. We always start with a baseline audit. This way we all gain a consistent and common understanding of where you are, your challenges, and your goals. 

ConsultSafe Ltd then recommends periodic audits to provide an independent, objective evaluation of performance while you develop your business. This provides assurance that you are achieving your goals and reaching required standards, and that you pick up issues before they become concerns. Regular audits can be part of an annual programme, aligned to your management systems (such as ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and ISO14001) or stand-alone. 

All organisations have a legal responsibility toward their Health and Safety management; so it is important to have robust safety management arrangements in place. HSG65 Guidance (the baseline of good OSH practice), issued by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) promotes the PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT model.
  • PLAN: Organise policy, plan arrangements, give direction, be strategic
  • DO: Introduce management arrangements based on your plan, carry out risk assessments, implement them, involve and train people
  • CHECK: Monitoring is used to ensure that your arrangements are working effectively 
  • ACT: There should be a high-level review at Director level at least annually to provide information back and allow the management arrangements in place to be adjusted 

Our audits are undertaken by trained specialist and they will prepare your report so that you have a firm record of the findings. The audit is very much a snap shot and not a detailed examination of how all arrangements are being managed. It will provide you with information on your current level of compliance, but it will not provide lots of detailed information on how to fix it.  

Much of the time the auditor spends on site will be looking at documentation and interviewing key people to understand standards at your organisation. It is therefore important for anyone participating to prepare for the audit and ensure that the person responsible for day to day safety management is available.

Contact us to enquire about your audit needs